Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Caricature: Developing My Skills in Caricature Drawing

Well, I consider myself to be not a big caricature artist as I mostly specialize in realistic portraits. However, I constantly keep on improving my skills in caricature drawing. And I do it using my favorite cross-hatching technique. Here are a few caricatures I want to show you. Hopefully, I will add more in the near future.

Jackie Chan Caricature

Jackie Chan caricature (cross-hatching)

Jackie Chan caricature (cross-hatching)

Ronaldinhio Caricature

Ronaldinhio caricature (cross-hatching)

Audrey Tautou Caricature

Audrey Tautou caricature

Albert Einstein Caricature

Albert Einstein caricature

Bobby McFerrin Caricature

Bobby McFerrin caricature

An Ordinary Italian Guy Caricature

caricature of an italian guy

1 comment:

  1. great :))))
    just great .like your works a lot ! :)
