Saturday, August 6, 2011

Let Banner Stands Do the Talking for You

I have a lot of people who commission me to create various kinds of artworks for both personal and business use. In most cases images created by me end up to be printed on paper or clothing, engraved on wood and plastic, stamped on leather, embroidered, tattooed etc. These seem to be very complicated procedures for an average customer of mine. I am sure a lot of people do not even know about some of the above-mentioned services and opportunities they offer. That is why I decided to make my blog a little bit more useful for my customers by accepting guest posts dealing with different types of services related to printing or other methods of turning digital images into palpable art. Today’s post is about banner stands.

It’s a cliché to say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but it’s a cliché for a reason, the reason being that it has more than a grain of truth to it. When it comes to attracting the attention of would be customers, or conveying the maximum amount of information to interested parties in a high impact, low cost, deeply flexible manner, than banner stands are the medium you’re looking for.

banner stands examples
Examples of banner stands

Banner stands take the form of full colour high quality prints on a massive variety of backgrounds and materials and in as wide a range of shapes, sizes and formats as there are ideas in your head. It could be that you want a 48 or 96 sheet poster, either front lit or back lit for preference, and wall mounted or free standing. Once you’ve made that decision you can opt for an image printed on a specialised material which precisely suits the needs of your situation. For example, you may wish to post a large image in a position where high winds will be a problem; high on the side of a building perhaps, or in a large open space. In a placing such as this, wind resistance is a key consideration, and an image printed on a flexible mesh will reduce this problem to the minimum, without compromising the integrity of the image, by allowing the wind to pass through the banner. Alternatively, it could be that the clarity and quality of the visual image is your over-riding concern. Perhaps you deal in fine arts, or fashionable designer products which need to be displayed to the best effect. For banner stands such as these the banners will be printed onto fabrics or textiles such as knitted polyester or canvas, materials which can capture the finest detail and richest colour whilst still allowing the image to be reproduced to a size which will create maximum impact.

So, whether you’re displaying at a trade fair, attempting to capture passing trade in a busy thoroughfare or setting up a permanent but flexible visual display within a retail space, banner stands will offer the perfect solution no matter what the product, business or circumstances. Make the choice between the sizes, shapes, materials, colours and formats which best suit your needs and then sit back and watch the image do the work of a thousand words.