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Drawing a Sketch a Day

Monday, May 3, 2010

I decided to create another blog where I will post a daily sketch or a drawing. I hope I will be able to draw at least a rough sketch a day. I will provide no comments about a sketch or drawing I put on the blog. I hope the visitors will enjoy my artworks however rough they were.

Sometimes I love to draw some sketches or doodles spontaneously, or I create some interesting sketches or drawings during my work on some projects and those sketches are intermediate artworks which were not approved by clients or I just used them to find the best possible style of illustrations and to train my hand for the corresponding style. Those sketches and drawings are too rough for this blog where I try to show only the best works. I think creating another blog dedicated to my sketches is the best way to show some of my raw works and I believe that those who love drawing will enjoy following this blog.

So, please, feel free to visit my sketch a day blog and follow it if you like to.

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