Thursday, December 2, 2010

Drawing for the US Catfish Association

My recent post about hunting and fishing drawings has not passed unnoticed as shortly after I had made this post I was contacted by a guy named Paul who belonged to the Brotherhood of Catfishermen. He wanted me to create a custom drawing of catfish for the United States Catfish Association (USCA). The drawing would be used on t-shirts that would be screen printed. It was supposed to be a life-like catfish scene artwork showcasing three species of North American catfish: a blue catfish, a channel catfish and a flathead catfish.

United States Catfish Association logo
Catfish drawing was created for the United States Catfish Association (their logo is above)

Below I want to show you the final result and the drawing progress video. By the way, the drawing was made with Pentel brush pen.

Catfish drawing

lue catfish, channel catfish and flathead catfish
American catfish: blue catfish, channel catfish and flathead catfish

catfish drawing
Catfish t-shirt design for USCA

USCA is planning to come out with the new catfish t-shirt on January 1, 2011. I wish them good luck and tight lines!

catfish t-shirt
This is how the first catfish t-shirt with my drawing looks like

Related posts:
Hunting and fishing drawings
American wildlife illustrations

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if i could use your drawing of the catfush on a T-shirt? My email is
