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Hunting and Fishing Drawings

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shortly after I had finished the wildlife illustrations project for Buffalo and Company (if you follow my blog you might remember those drawings of an American buffalo, an elk, a bass, a trout and mallards I had created for Buffalo and Company. If you do not know what I am talking about, please, check out the related links below this post) I was approached by a guy from the USA, who had hunting and fishing business, about possibility to make some drawings for him. The guy was impressed by my wildlife illustrations and wanted something in the same style to create unique designs for his promotional products like t-shirts etc. He had plenty of interesting ideas and I really loved working for him.

I want to show you a few drawings I created for his hunting and fishing company which he was about to bring online. The company is called “The Daily Hush” (coined from “the daily hunt and fish”). You are welcome to visit their website dedicated to hunting and fishing. I do believe that sooner or later the site with an online shop, where you will be able to purchase various hunting and fishing products and accessories as well as t-shirts and other stuff with my drawings and designs exclusively created for "The Daily Hush", will become very popular among fishing and hunting lovers.

Fishing Hooks Logo

fishing hook logo (lure flies)
Fishing lure flies logo

Fish Circle Design

trout fish circle
Trout forming a circle (black and white version) 

fish color drawing, trout in circle
Trout forming a circle (color version) 

Cervine Skulls and Bones Design

moose, elk, deer skull

Skulls with antlers and bones of a moose, an elk, a mule deer and a white tail deer

Wildlife Sketches

elk sketch, pencil drawing
Elk sketch

trout fish sketch, pencil drawing
Trout sketch

flying wild goose sketch
Wild goose

Related posts:
American Wildlife Illustrations
Catfish drawing

Motocross Vector Illustrations

Friday, October 8, 2010

I want to show you the result of my work for Filter Publications, Inc., the publisher of Racer X Illustrated – a magazine and website in motocross and supercross as well as Road Racer X and Racer X Brand websites. I was asked to create vector illustrations of motorbike riders using as reference some photos supplied by the customer. Making all bikes yellow and depriving racers’ uniforms and bikes of all logos and brand names were among client’s requirements. Guys from Filter Publications, Inc. wanted vector illustrations as the vector format allows scaling images to any size without loss in quality, unlike the bitmap (aka raster) format. Since the drawings were supposed to be used to promote an iPhone motocross game on posters and other printing materials as well as one of the illustrations would be used as an iPhone icon for the game Filter Publications, Inc. needed both very small-sized images as well as extra large ones. Therefore the vector format was the best solution for them.

I never stop being amazed at how brave and skilled professional motorbike racers are. When I see what those fast riders can do with their bikes I the only word I can utter is “Wow!” Motocross, bike races and any other kind of motosports are pretty much tough and dangerous competitions for real men only. Although due to the vector images specificity it is impossible to make vector drawings as expressive and effective as they would be if done in bitmap format, I still hope I have managed to convey a little bit of racers’ courage and sporting blood in my illustrations. Below are shown the low resolution copies of the vector images. I also added simple backgrounds for the bikes to better stand out on the pictures.

Motocross illustrations (bikes and racers)

motosport illustration supercross

sport dirt bike images (racers)

Related posts:
Custom vector illustrations for a chiropractor
Expanding my team to create professional vector art

Drawing a Wolf and a Fox

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I’ve been experimenting with new drawing techniques and tools including those by Pentel and I came up with two drawings of wild animals – a wolf and a fox.

Wolf Drawing

I was supposed to draw a black and tan wolf for one of my clients and I decided to train myself in drawing this animal which I consider one of the most beautifully looking beasts on ink or pencil drawn pictures. I had been thinking about drawing a wolf for a long time before and I did not miss the opportunity to do it now. I preferred to kill two birds with one stone by drawing the animal I wished to draw so much and by experimenting with mixing ink and color pencils. I did not refuse to use my favorite cross-hatching drawing technique to make this wolf’s head drawing though. I have also made a video showing the wolf drawing process.

drawing a wolf
The wolf drawing is made with a pen and color pencils

Fox Drawing

The second animal was a fox, of course. A wolf and a fox are deemed as a natural couple here in Ukraine as they are very common Ukrainian and Russian folktales characters. They are portrayed as their children’s godfather (wolf) and godmother (fox). In folklore the fox is sly while the wolf is naïve and somewhat dull, that is the reason why they are friends and rivals at the same time. Russian and Ukrainian people imbibe those tales with their mothers’ milk, therefore it was unquestionable that if there was a wolf, there should be a fox somewhere around. Thus the next drawing was to be a fox.

The fox was drawn while experimenting with drawing supplies which had been kindly presented to me by PentelArts. The main tool used here was a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen which is my favorite drawing tool for creating expressive outlines and strokes. Using those tools, I had to alter my drawing technique and style a little, although the drawing was still comparatively minimalist with a lot of economy of lines. People who had already seen the drawing of the fox said the animal looked fresh, vibrant and alive. I am very much pleased with people’s positive responses to my experimental fox and wolf drawings and I am satisfied with the results of my drawing experiments.

drawing a fox
Art supplies from Pentel were used to make this fox drawing
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I have three little children (two boys and a girl). They are always looking forward to new animal drawings by their father. Every time I produce a good animal drawing I frame the image to give it to my kids who are waiting with anticipation for a new picture to be hung on the wall in their room. They already have a small animal drawings gallery.

animal drawings for children
Pictures of animals drawn by me on the wall of my children's room

By the way, if you love these drawings of a wolf and a fox, you can purchase high resolution images (digital files) from me to make high quality prints for any purposes. Just let me know if you want them.

Related posts:
My other animal drawings
Lion drawing

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