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George Washington Portrait

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

George Washington was the first president of the United States and even this fact alone tells a lot about his personality. He had to have outstanding qualities of a leader to be elected as a president in times when almost every man who could be a presidential aspirant had been hardened in wars, long travels, dangerous expeditions and difficult living conditions of new unexplored territories. George Washington was a farmer, a soldier, an explorer and a politician, which means that he was a hard-working, brave and smart person. Washington was a born leader and during his time of presidency he had enough power and respect to make the United States another kingdom with himself as a king, which seems to be natural as Washington was from Europe where most of the countries were ruled by a monarch. However, Washington had chosen another way of governing the country thereby developing the forms and rituals of government that are common in today’s USA and which form the foundation of essential democratic values.

George Washington is another great example of a person who combines courage, leadership qualities and intellectual vigor. No doubt that he must be included into the constellation of great men who were chosen by Buffalo and Company for the heritage t-shirts series.

Portrait of George Washington

George Washington portrait
George Washington

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