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Robert E. Lee on His Horse

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I keep on telling you about artworks commissioned by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. (ex Buffalo and Company). And today’s artwork features General Robert E. Lee – a commander of the armed forces of the Confederate States of America. This is second time that I create a drawing featuring Robert E. Lee for this company but this time the drawing depicts Robert E. Lee on his horse called Traveller. The drawing is based on a well-known photo taken during the American Civil War.

Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveller
General Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveller

photo of Robert E. Lee on his horse
This drawing is based on the famous photo of Lee and his horse

I believe that the idea to add the Lee’s horse design to the collection of t-shirts from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. was prompted to guys from the company by the General’s letter to his wife’s cousin, Markie Williams, who wanted to paint a portrait of Traveller. The letter went like this:

If I was an artist like you, I would draw a true picture of Traveller; representing his fine proportions, muscular figure, deep chest, short back, strong haunches, flat legs, small head, broad forehead, delicate ears, quick eye, small feet, and black mane and tail. Such a picture would inspire a poet, whose genius could then depict his worth, and describe his endurance of toil, hunger, thirst, heat and cold; and the dangers and suffering through which he has passed. He could dilate upon his sagacity and affection, and his invariable response to every wish of his rider. He might even imagine his thoughts through the long night-marches and days of the battle through which he has passed. But I am no artist Markie, and can therefore only say he is a Confederate gray.

Testing My Wacom Inkling

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I keep on testing my newly purchased Wacom Inkling device. I still have no idea how I can use it with my drawing style which seems to be too hard for Wacom Inkling to render it properly and accurately. At least I can make videos like the one shown below. The video demonstrates the time-lapse speed drawing of a woman portrait alongside with a screen showing how the drawing on paper is being transferred to the computer by means of the device. If you happen to miss it, you can read my recent Wacom Inkling review where I shared my first impression of Wacom Inkling.

Donkey Drawing

Saturday, May 5, 2012

You might already know from my previous posts that Buffalo and Co. (one of my biggest customers) is in the process of re-branding into Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. For that reason the company is about to introduce a whole range of new t-shirts for which quite a number of drawings have been created by me. Among those new t-shirts to be soon released by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. will be a few related to politics and in particular those featuring symbols of two modern US parties – the Democratic donkey and the Republican elephant.

drawing of a donkey
Donkey drawing for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

Democratic Party donkey t-shirt
This is how the Democratic Donkey t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. looks like

In this post I won’t talk about American political parties as I am not competent enough to discuss how good or bad they are for USA citizens as I do not belong to them. I only want to show you the image of a donkey merely as another drawing of an animal created by me.

Related posts:
Horse drawing
Drawing of a lion
American wild animals

Portrait of Grandmother with Chevrolet Bel Air

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This post is about my recent portrait featuring a woman and a Chevrolet Bel Air. This portrait was drawn from old photographs assumingly taken in early 50's. The person featured in the portrait is the grandmother of the woman named Jen who commissioned me to create this artwork as an original gift for her mother for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

old vintage photos
The portrait of the grandmother was drawn from old photographs

The younger generation is luckier than our parents and older ancestors when it comes to preserving time and memory of their loved ones. Today almost anyone can make and share hundreds of photos and videos of decent quality without having to visit specialized studios and even enable real-time remote communication with his or her mother using free Internet tools when she is far away. Our parents had not all those technological benefits we enjoy today living in the digital age. Very often our parents have to content themselves with a few poor quality photos of their fathers and mothers. It’s pity those photos oftentimes do not look good enough to be hung on a wall or be displayed in a conspicuous place.

Chevrolet Bel Air drawing and woman portrait
The custom gift for Mother’s Day – the grandma portrait with a Chevy car

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