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Portrait of Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ernest Hemingway is probably one of the most well-known men whose portraits I drew so far for the series of famous men t-shirts by Buffalo and Company (you can see other famous men portraits I have done and read about this assignment of mine using the corresponding links after this post). A lot of people outside the USA may have not a slightest idea about who Robert E. Lee, John Muir and even Theodore Roosevelt were (these are other famous men I was asked to draw for Buffalo and Company), but I am sure that there are more people all over the world who heard at least something about Ernest Hemingway and his literature legacy. Hemingway definitely “qualifies” to be considered as the model of masculinity. Being extremely smart and intelligent (I believe that the Nobel Prize in Literature can’t be won by any average guy), brave (he had responded to a Red Cross recruitment effort and signed on to be an ambulance driver in Italy during World War I and agreed to become a war journalist during World War II in spite of having been seriously wounded at the time of World War I) and thirsty for adventures (he loved hunting, fishing, traveling), Ernest Hemingway experienced a life saturated with events which had formed the real man’s character. He lived through good and awful times and shared a little bit of his valuable experience in his books. Those belletristic gems show us what it takes to be a man. It’s not easy, that’s why we call such men heroes and pay our tribute to them.

Traditionally, I supply a video along with the portrait. Enjoy!

Portrait of Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway big portrait
Ernest Hemingway

My other famous men portraits:
Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt
Portrait of John Muir
Portrait of General Robert E. Lee

Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Theodore Roosevelt was among those famous men whose portraits I had drawn for Buffalo and Company (you can see other famous men portraits I have done and read about this assignment of mine using the corresponding links after this post). I have always been amazed at the number of absolutely outstanding US presidents. This is probably one of the reasons why America has turned into the first world’s economy. Teddy Roosevelt is a kind of a president every nation dreams about. He displayed his strong nature from his early life, being a weak and unhealthy child, he did his best to go in for sports and live an active life. Roosevelt’s excellent education and vigor had formed that intelligence which allowed him to become the youngest president in the USA history. Apart from his progressive political activity (which, in fact, does not represent the main interest in our case) Roosevelt was a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier. He supported John Muir’s ideas about preservation of American wilderness and creation of national parks. The most interesting fact about Teddy Roosevelt for me is that he refused to run for re-election in 1908 to embark on a safari to Africa and a trip to Europe. It shows how thirsty he was for adventures. Theodore Roosevelt had actually become the model of masculinity for combining those characteristics a real man ought to have. And those characteristics helped him to become one of the greatest presidents of the United States of America.

As a reference I used a picture of Theodore Roosevelt made during his service as a Lieutenant Colonel during the war in Cuba. While I was shooting the video something had happened with my camera and it had shut down 10 minutes before I finished the drawing. But I believe you will love the video anyway.

Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt portrait
Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt T-Shirt

And here is how a Theodore Roosevelt t-shirt itself looks like:

Theodore Roosevelt t-shirt by Buffalo and Company, Teddy Roosevelt t-shirt
Teddy Roosevelt t-shirt

Roosevelt tshirt

My other famous men portraits:
Roosevelt and his Rough Riders
George Washington portrait
Portrait of Ernest Hemingway
Portrait of John Muir
Portrait of General Robert E. Lee
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson
Portrait of Ronald Reagan
Portrait of Winston Churchill
Portrait of George W. Bush
John F. Kennedy Portrait

Portrait of John Muir

Monday, July 19, 2010

John Muir is another personality whose portrait I was to draw for the new series of famous men t-shirts by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. (ex Buffalo and Company). You can see other famous men portraits I have done and read about this assignment of mine using the corresponding links after this post. Muir is evidently one of those wise men who ought to be respected everywhere in the world. He was a naturalist and environmentalist who advocated preservation of wilderness in the United States of America. John Muir’s efforts to protect American nature had led to establishing of Yosemite National Park in California which beauty now mesmerizes around three millions tourists yearly (I wish I could see those ancient forests, great mountains and amazing waterfalls with my own eyes). Muir is also known for his long distance hiking travels, and one of the most popular hiking trails in California was named in his honor (John Muir Trail). I am sure this man led an interesting life full of adventures and contemplation of the beauty of nature. He was kind and talented enough to share a bit of his life with us in his books which never cease to be popular. John Muir described his life and outlook, his hiking trails and his adventures in his fascinating literature legacy.

Luckily, it’s not difficult to find a photo of John Muir in the Internet, so I used one to draw the portrait of John Muir – a great man whose deeds are not to be forgotten by any American. And following my good tradition I have also made a video to show you the process of portrait drawing. I hope you will enjoy it.

Portrait of John Muir

portrait of John Muir
John Muir

My other famous men portraits:
Portrait of Ernest Hemingway
Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt
Portrait of General Robert E. Lee
Portrait of Ernest Shackleton
Lewis and Clark Portraits

Famous Men Portraits: Robert E. Lee

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today’s post is about my new artist commission from Buffalo and Company. This time I was hired to make portraits of famous men for a new series of t-shirts by Buffalo and Company. General Robert E. Lee is one of the men whose portraits I am supposed to draw. So, I’ll start with General Lee, and the others are coming soon in my next blog posts (please, check out corresponding links in the end of this port). Robert E. Lee was a US Civil War general who, despite being commanding the Confederate army (the South) and having surrendered and eventually lost the war, is respected all across the United States for his courage, intelligence and outstanding strategic mind which had made him one of the most honored American generals. Robert E. Lee had enough wisdom to make his contribution to settling up the conflict between North and South of the United States. General Robert E. Lee can be undoubtedly considered to be an icon for those who respect and honor the real man’s heart and soul.

Buffalo and Company has developed a philosophy of preserving and honoring a good old masculinity in men’s clothing and accessories they are manufacturing and selling. They do not forget those times when men were real men whose purpose of life was meeting challenges of nature while traveling and conquering new wild spaces on the Earth to expend civilization and to create better living for human beings; hunting and protecting their families and Motherland. Their clothing itself reflected their virility and readiness for adventures and brave deeds. The apparel they wore used to be comfortable, practical and had that look and feel associated with manhood. Today’s men’s fashion is somehow shifting away from the classic man’s appearance and lacks that peculiar manly spirit. One can often observe those men wearing clothing and haircuts which deprive them of the very look of a male, let alone a brave and ready-for-adventure look. This is not a good tendency as history teaches us that only courageous, smart, wise, purposeful and caring men led nations towards the progress regardless any obstacles, and difficult circumstances. And those guys, as we can see, were proud of being men and did their best to make their appearance correspond to that look which distinguished a strong male protector from a sweet tender female to be protected. That is why by creating a new series of t-shirts with a famous men portraits, guys from Buffalo and Company want once again remind the faces of those who are worth being followed and honored.

I want to demonstrate you not only the completed portrait of Robert E. Lee but also a video I’ve created to show you the process of drawing this American Civil War general's portrait using the cross-hatching technique. I hope you will enjoy watching the video and would be happy to read your comments about the portrait. I would also very much appreciate if you subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Portrait of General Robert E. Lee

Robert E Lee portrait (US Civil War general)
Robert E Lee

Robert E. Lee Signature T-Shirt

Robert E. Lee t-shirt
This is how a Robert E. Lee t-shirt by Buffalo and Company looks like

My other famous men portraits:
Other portrait of Robert E. Lee
General Robert E. Lee and his horse Traveller
General Stonewall Jackson Portrait
Portrait of Ernest Hemingway
Portrait of John Muir
Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt

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