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Drawing of the Alamo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I had never heard the story of the Alamo before I was commissioned to create a drawing of the Alamo chapel for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. (former Buffalo and Company). Well, my ignorance here is natural and can be excused as I am not an American so I decided to look up in the Internet to learn the history behind this Alamo fortress. So I have filled this knowledge gap and now I know that for Americans and in particular for those of Texas origin the Alamo is a symbol of freedom, patriotic sacrifice, bravery and loyalty. If want to learn more about this story, you can read the Wikipedia article on the Battle of the Alamo or simply watch my work in progress video below which is set to the Ballad of the Alamo which pretty much tells sings the story.

drawing of the Alamo
Drawing of the Alamo fortress

Alamo t-shirt
This is how the Alamo t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. looks like

Pheasant Drawing

Friday, March 23, 2012

The whirring Pheasant springs,
And mounts, exulting on triumphant wings:
Ah! What avails his glossy, varying dyes,
His purple crest, and scarlet-circled eyes,
The vivid green his shining plumes unfold,
His painted wings, and breast that flames with gold.

Alexander Pope – Windsor Forest, 1713.

The extract of the above Pope’s poem describes the pheasant as an extremely beautiful bird. And it’s true. Unfortunately, I cannot see a lot of pheasants in my country but when I see a picture of a pheasant I imagine the royal hunting and all those noblemen riding horses in the pursue of this marvelous game bird. Pheasant hunting is one of the British Royal Family’s traditions. However pheasants are so beautiful that some members of the Royal Family want to forgo this custom although the birds are specially bred for this hunting event.

pheasant drawing
Drawing of a pheasant for the Exmoor White Horse Inn

Anyway, a pheasant has always being a symbol of nobility and royalty. For the apparent reason I associate royalty with the United Kingdom. That is why Avid Design made a right choice by including a drawing of a pheasant into the series of animal drawings they commissioned me for the Exmoor White Horse Inn. As you remember the series includes five pencil drawings of a trout, a wild goose, a pheasant, a deer and a horse. The pheasant drawing is probably the best one for a hotel in Great Britain to reflect the famous aristocratic spirit of the United Kingdom.

Related posts:
Drawing of pheasants (American Wildlife T-Shirts Series)
Hunting drawings

Wild Goose Drawing

Sunday, March 11, 2012

This is the second post dedicated to the wildlife project commissioned by Avid Design for Exmoor White Horse Inn. This time I would like to show you the drawing of a wild goose.

wild goose drawing
Wild goose drawing for Exmoor White Horse Inn

Avid Design specializes in interior design and it’s no wonder that the guys from Avid Design asked me to create pencil drawings of five animals to be printed on window panes at Exmoor White Horse Inn. The hotel is situated in the area which boasts wonderful nature and wildlife attractions. I believe that my drawings featuring a trout, a wild goose, a pheasant, a deer and a horse will be nice decoration elements for the inn. The wild goose is truly a great representative of fauna. This beautiful bird makes every hunter’s heart palpitate with anxiety and fills the soul of every nature admirer with admiration of God’s creation of the wonders of nature. I hope my drawings will create the atmosphere which will be appealing for both people passionate with hunting and those who love peacefully contemplating the beauty of nature.

Related posts:
Fishing and hunting drawings

Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Graphic facilitation (aka visual recording) comprehends creating images by meanse of freehand drawing in real-time to visually convey ideas during meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. Interest in graphic facilitation has surged in the age of Youtube as businesses and individuals noticed that visual facilitation, particularly if carried out by a professional artist, could be a great way to introduce various ideas, promote brands and even display products to the enormous Youtube audience in a fun way.

graphic facilitation, visual recording
Graphic facilitation is a popular way to promote ideas, brands and products on Youtube

Graphic facilitator can create dynamic, out-of-the-box visual presentations of almost anything unlike videos, which are more complicated in production, or slide-shows, which are less dynamic and hence boring. I could even compare graphic facilitation with advertising because today’s graphic facilitators try to bring as much fun and creativity to their visual recoding performance as advertising agencies do with more conventional ads. Visual recording is fun to watch and we all know that people memorize anything funny, interesting or emotional much better, faster and for a very long time.

Some businesses have already discovered the power of graphic facilitation in conveying ideas and awareness about products and brands. Thus you can observe the growing number of videos featuring graphic facilitators creating some cool drawings on whiteboards in Youtube. A number of professional teams emerged to create end-to-end visual graphic facilitation videos ready for Youtube. Those teams ask a high price for their visual facilitation services, however they can boast of high quality production, creativity, experience and outstanding drawing talent.

I had noticed graphic facilitation videos on Youtube long before I was hired as a visual facilitator for the first time. I regarded these videos as a rather curious marketing idea, so I began to think it would be interesting to get involved in a visual recording project. Although I was not much prepared, three weeks ago I was commissioned to create a set of time-lapse videos to be used for graphic facilitation purposes by John M. Tate, an Executive Vice President for Systematic Development Group LLC, who was to present the LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive at the 2012 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS 2012) Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas. Mr. Tate had been kind enough to provide me with the recording of his presentation which fragments I used as voice over for the graphic facilitation video you can watch below.

Related posts:
Visual scribing for an IT security company

Trout Drawing for a Hotel in England

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have recently been commissioned by an interior design consultancy from Great Britain (Avid Design) to make a series of wildlife drawings. I was to create five pencil drawings featuring a trout, a stag, a horse, a wild goose and a pheasant. Avid Design needed high resolution images of the animals to reproduce them on a glass film for a window at Exmoor White Horse Inn – a hotel situated in a picturesque area of South West England offering some wildlife-related activities such as safari, horse riding and the deer rutting season.

I will dedicate a blog post to each particular drawing created within this Avid Design project. This post features a trout which is a fish taking a special place in every fisherman's heart.

trout drawing, jumping fish
Trout drawing for Exmoor White Horse Inn

Related posts:
Hunting and fishing illustrations
Reviving a trout sketch with Photoshop coloring

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