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Slow Loris – Endangered Cuteness

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Slow lorises and slender lorises are cute animals but their cuteness has put them on the brink of extinction. Many people do not understand that slow lorises are not like kittens or puppies and having them as pets is actually dangerous for their health and even for the very existence of the entire population of these primates.

cute slow loris, slender loris, endangered species
Slow loris - endangered because cute

Cute pets are popular on the Internet. So I decided to leverage the power of cuteness and promote the idea of preserving the wildlife by making a call through my art for abstaining from human’s fads which do nothing but put innocent animals in peril and physical suffering. Slow lorises undergo a painful untoothing procedure which suggests cutting out or pulling up to 8 of their teeth before delivering them as pets. This awful operation is often done with simple nail clippers and in many cases it causes lethal infection or blood loss, not to mention an excruciating pain the animals experience.

I really hope that someone looking to buy a slow loris as a pet will get to this page and change his/her mind after reading this article. It is important to make the demand for pet lorises decrease by raising people's awareness of this species endangerment and tortures. That’s why I’ve made this drawing of a cute slow loris. Hopefully, this image will attract some visitors to this page and those who wish to adopt a loris as an exotic pet will shift their focus to less endangered animals or traditional pets such as cats, dogs, hamsters etc.

You’d Better Purchase a Hi-Res Image than a Real Slow Loris

Slow lorises’ cuteness creates a truly insatiable desire in lots of people for keeping one of these living cartoons at home as a pet. Many of those who set off to buy a slow loris are probably not aware of the harm they are causing these long-suffering creatures by keeping them locked in their houses and thus helping boost the illegal pet trade. I know it may seem a poor substitution but I strongly recommend that you’d better purchase my drawing of a cute slow loris than a real one. So why it’s better to buy the high resolution image for those who love slow lorises and would like to express their love by protecting them rather than supporting pet smugglers’ cruel business with their money?

  • You can print out this drawing and hang it on a wall to always get amused with the slow loris’ cuteness without paying for harming and torturing it;
  • You will be able to tell more about the slow loris endangerment to your friends and relatives who will see this cool drawing in your place;
  • You can print this high resolution royalty free image on a t-shirt or publish it on a website or a magazine to let the wide public know about the endangered species issue:
  • slow loris t-shirt, endangered species t-shirt
    You can print the image on a t-shirt to let people know about the problem of slow loris endangerment.
  • You will support my social work in creating drawings to address people from all over the world with the problem of endangered animals.

I have a few special ideas of artworks dedicated to the endangered species issues. Unfortunately, I cannot focus on social projects too often as I have to work on paid commissions to be able to pay my bills and feed the family. If people buy my animal drawings, they will help create a budget necessary for me to spend more time on my wildlife protection initiative without having to worry too much about money.

Raised so far: $15

Portrait of Stephen Alonzo Jackson and Other Artworks for Frats

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Making t-shirts with custom designs for college fraternities is another idea of Buffalo Jackson’s management purposed to satisfy their young male customers who gravitate towards classic masculine values in fashion opposing today’s fashion trends aggressively promoting men with metrosexual and sleek appearance. A portrait of Stephen Alonzo Jackson was the first artwork created by me for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co’s new series of frat t-shirts.

I never knew about Stephen Alonzo Jackson until Buffalo Jackson commissioned me to create his portrait. Due to this company I learn a lot of things about the United States history. And I am now aware of Stephen Alonzo Jackson being one of the most important men for the Kappa Sigma fraternity as he managed to transform Kappa Sig from a struggling local fraternity at the University of Virginia into a strong international Brotherhood.

Stephen Alonzo Jackson
Stephen Alonzo Jackson is possibly the most important man in the history of the Kappa Sigma fraternity

I actually love the idea of college fraternities and sororities which we do not have in my country. I believe it feels good to belong to a community, a club which only people sharing the same traditions and common virtues can join. It must be nice to feel the team spirit which helps people withstand competition and encourage support for those brothers in need and troubles. College fraternities and sororities seem to be a powerful institutions making students’ life even more exciting and saturated with positive experience.

No wonder Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. appeals to college fraternities when advocating their traditional rugged gentleman muscularity expressed in lifestyle and fashion. A lot of fraternity members are prone to respect traditions of past generations and, being conservatives, they are less easily enticed into new fashion trends shifting far from a classic image of a man.

Other Artworks for Colledge Fraternities

The portrait of Stephen Alonzo Jackson is not the only artwork ordered by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. for fraternities. I also made a few drawings featuring frat crests and badges. You can see some examples below:

Visual Scribing

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My first graphic facilitation commission has not remained unnoticed. Shortly after I had published my blog post about graphic facilitation I was contacted by a representative of CipherEx (a computer consulting services company that designs, models, tests, and builds secure networks) who asked me to create an entire series of graphic facilitation videos to visually capture some important office and network security rules for their customers to remember. The guy who contacted me called this work visual scribing and I think this term, indeed, suits the visual facilitation process which suggests no live drawing. So, from now on I’ll call this kind of work visual scribing or simply scribing.

visual scribing
My new visual scribing commission suggested drawing with an invisible hand

The main challenge in the CipherEx’s assignment was that the customer wanted the drawing hand to be invisible in the final video. I knew that it could be done with some iPad applications which make it possible to record the drawing process through a stylus. However, taking into consideration more important needs, purchasing an iPad was not an option. It took some time to develop my method of the “invisible hand” visual scribing with the equipment available to me at that time. While honing the method I managed to complete the first video of the series in September 2012. And the customer was happy with the result. I’ve got customer’s permission to share this video, so you can watch it below:

Visual Scribing: Security Around the Office

Astronaut Reading a Book

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The drawing of an astronaut reading a book was my first commission from Skip N' Whistle – a company offering eco-friendly screen printed t-shirts in New Orleans, USA. The company is known for its great selection of fun and clever t-shirt designs.

astronaut reading a book
I was asked to draw a spaceman sitting down with his legs crossed and reading a book

One of the reasons why I was contacted by a representative of this company was that guys from Skip N' Whistle were not quite happy with hard edge vector clipart that so many people used to translate their design ideas into drawings. And I cannot but agree that freehand drawings have so much more soul and life than those made with Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator or any other computer-based graphic editor. There is nothing better than a hand-made work totally created by human mind and hands. Hopefully, customers of Skip N' Whistle will appreciate future hand-made designs of their t-shirts. I believe there will be plenty of popular Skip N' Whistle designs re-made into freehand drawings by me and/or other artists because it seems that managers of the company are ready to go for it.

Another reason I was hired to create the drawing for a t-shirt from Skip N' Whistle was my distinctive drawing style of hatching and cross-hatching making my artworks look somewhat vintage. Skip N' Whistle’s t-shirts and accessories feature a lot of vintage-inspired designs and guys from the company believed that it would be cool to make custom designs while keeping that so popular vintage vibe.

AD ZONE: Read books, watch videos, have fun

Unfortunately, I do not know the exact meaning of this drawing of a reading spaceman but the design looks fun which means that Skip N' Whistle is likely to find a lot of buyers for t-shirts featuring an astronaut with a book.

Custom Bookmarks

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

There was a woman from the United States named Kat who asked me to create custom bookmarks for her to use them for her new blog promotion while attending a book convention. Kat is crazy about books and she shares her passion for books on her blog called The Book Tart. Kat wanted two customized bookmarks featuring a reading woman. The woman on the drawing was supposed to look like Kat and be seductive to support her motto – "Reading is Sexy". Well, you have to go an extra mile to revert people back to reading books today and if you are an attractive woman it is easier to do that. I also love those wise phrases she wanted to place on the bookmarks: "Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy books, and that's kind of the same thing" and "I have more books than clothes or shoes – combined".

customized bookmark

So I am writing this post to show you how those custom bookmarks look like. The drawings were created on the basis of reference photos and descriptions provided by Kat (including her desire to add some vintage girl vibe to the drawings). These bookmarks are another example of highly customized artworks I can create for personal and business purposes. I can handle the most advanced customization requests as there is nothing that can be more customized than illustrations featuring characters with the portrait similarity to any person. If you are for the fist time on my blog, please, feel free to check some portraits created by me to see what I can offer when highly customized art is needed.

custom bookmarks

Related posts:
Custom posters for a chiropractor
Custom greeting card

Elephant Drawing

Friday, June 1, 2012

A drawing of an elephant had been created as another template for political t-shirts from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. just like the donkey drawing I wrote a few posts ago. An elephant and a donkey were drawn for t-shirts featuring symbols of two major American parties – Republicans (elephant) and Democrats (donkey).

elephant drawing
Elephant drawing for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

republican elephant t-shirt
This is how the Republican Elephant t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. looks like

And again I won’t delve into politics of the United States of America in this post because I know nothing about it. All I know is that it seems that the majority of customers of Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. supports the Republican Party and welcomed t-shirts with the elephant while booing t-shirts featuring the Democratic donkey. However the guys from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. wanted to be fair and spent their time and money to make t-shirts for the Republican Party supporters as well. But anyway I simply wanted to show you the elephant drawing here without politics involved.

Related posts:
Lion drawing
American wildlife art

Robert E. Lee on His Horse

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I keep on telling you about artworks commissioned by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. (ex Buffalo and Company). And today’s artwork features General Robert E. Lee – a commander of the armed forces of the Confederate States of America. This is second time that I create a drawing featuring Robert E. Lee for this company but this time the drawing depicts Robert E. Lee on his horse called Traveller. The drawing is based on a well-known photo taken during the American Civil War.

Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveller
General Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveller

photo of Robert E. Lee on his horse
This drawing is based on the famous photo of Lee and his horse

I believe that the idea to add the Lee’s horse design to the collection of t-shirts from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. was prompted to guys from the company by the General’s letter to his wife’s cousin, Markie Williams, who wanted to paint a portrait of Traveller. The letter went like this:

If I was an artist like you, I would draw a true picture of Traveller; representing his fine proportions, muscular figure, deep chest, short back, strong haunches, flat legs, small head, broad forehead, delicate ears, quick eye, small feet, and black mane and tail. Such a picture would inspire a poet, whose genius could then depict his worth, and describe his endurance of toil, hunger, thirst, heat and cold; and the dangers and suffering through which he has passed. He could dilate upon his sagacity and affection, and his invariable response to every wish of his rider. He might even imagine his thoughts through the long night-marches and days of the battle through which he has passed. But I am no artist Markie, and can therefore only say he is a Confederate gray.

Testing My Wacom Inkling

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I keep on testing my newly purchased Wacom Inkling device. I still have no idea how I can use it with my drawing style which seems to be too hard for Wacom Inkling to render it properly and accurately. At least I can make videos like the one shown below. The video demonstrates the time-lapse speed drawing of a woman portrait alongside with a screen showing how the drawing on paper is being transferred to the computer by means of the device. If you happen to miss it, you can read my recent Wacom Inkling review where I shared my first impression of Wacom Inkling.

Donkey Drawing

Saturday, May 5, 2012

You might already know from my previous posts that Buffalo and Co. (one of my biggest customers) is in the process of re-branding into Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. For that reason the company is about to introduce a whole range of new t-shirts for which quite a number of drawings have been created by me. Among those new t-shirts to be soon released by Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. will be a few related to politics and in particular those featuring symbols of two modern US parties – the Democratic donkey and the Republican elephant.

drawing of a donkey
Donkey drawing for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

Democratic Party donkey t-shirt
This is how the Democratic Donkey t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. looks like

In this post I won’t talk about American political parties as I am not competent enough to discuss how good or bad they are for USA citizens as I do not belong to them. I only want to show you the image of a donkey merely as another drawing of an animal created by me.

Related posts:
Horse drawing
Drawing of a lion
American wild animals

Portrait of Grandmother with Chevrolet Bel Air

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This post is about my recent portrait featuring a woman and a Chevrolet Bel Air. This portrait was drawn from old photographs assumingly taken in early 50's. The person featured in the portrait is the grandmother of the woman named Jen who commissioned me to create this artwork as an original gift for her mother for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

old vintage photos
The portrait of the grandmother was drawn from old photographs

The younger generation is luckier than our parents and older ancestors when it comes to preserving time and memory of their loved ones. Today almost anyone can make and share hundreds of photos and videos of decent quality without having to visit specialized studios and even enable real-time remote communication with his or her mother using free Internet tools when she is far away. Our parents had not all those technological benefits we enjoy today living in the digital age. Very often our parents have to content themselves with a few poor quality photos of their fathers and mothers. It’s pity those photos oftentimes do not look good enough to be hung on a wall or be displayed in a conspicuous place.

Chevrolet Bel Air drawing and woman portrait
The custom gift for Mother’s Day – the grandma portrait with a Chevy car

Wacom Inkling Review

Monday, April 23, 2012

After having been waiting for Wacom Inkling for quite a long time, I was very much excited to finally get my hands on this coveted device. So, now when I have purchased it, I can write a short review and share my first impression of Wacom Inkling. I must say that I am a big fan of Wacom products as I’ve got accustomed to the quality and performance of their graphic tablets (I am currently using a Wacom Intuos 4 drawing tablet and I am satisfied with what it can offer for facilitating my life as an artist).

Arabian Horse Drawing

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The drawing of a horse was the key drawing in the series of animal artworks commissioned by Avid Design for the Exmoor White Horse Inn. First of all, the very name of the place contains the “horse” word and it imposes a high responsibility on me as an artist. Secondly, the Exmoor White Horse Inn has a really big equestrian area with too many guests who know a lot of things about horses, and since my horse drawing was to be featured on a panel over the bar it needed to be “bang on” for even horse experts to love it at once. It was a challenging task and I had had to make three drawings before the image of an Arabian horse was approved.

Arabian horse drawing
Arabian horse drawing for the Exmoor White Horse Inn

At the Exmoor White Horse Inn there are a lot of horses used also for hunting. I was actually hired for this project because guys from Avid Design had found the blog post featuring my hunting and fishing drawings. No wonder the hotel offering a package of activities comprising equestrian sport and hunting with horses keeps Arabian horses. Not only Arabs are the most beautiful representatives of the horse family, they are also good for trail or pleasure due to their great stamina and ability to run all day long which is just what it's needed for places like hotels visited by a lot of guests wishing to experience the joy of riding a horse. Thus my drawing was to feature an Arabian horse and of course the horse needed to be white to correspond the name of the inn.

I would like to inform those my readers who have not yet viewed my previous posts on this project that this is the last blog post about my animal drawings series created for the Exmoor White Horse Inn located in Great Britain. This project includes five graphite pencil drawings featuring a trout, a pheasant, a wild goose, a deer and a horse.

Related posts:
Drawing of a donkey
General Lee's horse

Deer Drawing

Friday, April 6, 2012

The deer drawing is one of five pencil drawings featuring animals I have created for a British interior design company called Avid Design within the framework of their project for the Exmoor White Horse Inn. If you follow my previous posts on this project you might know that Avid Design was to print images of animals (a trout, a wild goose, a pheasant, a deer and a horse) on window panels for the abovementioned hotel.

deer drawing
Drawing of a deer for the Exmoor White Horse Inn

According to the information on the site of the the Exmoor White Horse Inn the place is very famous for its large population of deer. I looked up in the Internet what deer symbolized and found out that this animal was a symbol of a bunch of good things including love, grace, beauty, happiness, good fortune etc. I’ve never doubted that the beauty of this animal has always been appreciated by people from many countries and thus associated with all kinds of virtues. For the United Kingdom, deer (and namely the Red Deer) are the largest native land mammals. No wonder the Exmoor White Horse Inn promotes the deer rutting season as one of its most attractive events. I hope that my drawing of a stag will create a necessary atmosphere for guests who stay at the hotel to admire local nature and wildlife.

Related posts:
Hunting and fishing artworks
Wildlife illustrations
American wildlife drawings
Donkey drawing

Bison Tattoo

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In this blog post I want just quickly share an image of a bison tattoo created by a tattoo studio in the United Kingdom. The guys from the studio were nice enough to contact me and show the picture of the tattoo as this tattoo had been created on the basis of my original bison drawing. A guy from the tattoo studio told me that they had a client who had brought in my drawing to have it done as a tattoo.

bison tattoo
Bison tattoo made from my drawing

I cannot call myself a big fan of the tattoo art but I also cannot but feel a little flattered that someone loved my bison drawing so much that he had made the decision to never part with the artwork by permanently imprinting the image on his skin. I also think that my drawing technique which looks like etching makes people believe that images in such style would make cool-looking tattoos. Do you, guys, think that the above tattoo looks better or at least as good as those made using more traditional technique? Please, let me know what you think in comments below.

By the way, here is my original drawing which served as the basis to create the bison tattoo.

My original bison drawing

Related posts:
Panda tattoo

Drawing of the Alamo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I had never heard the story of the Alamo before I was commissioned to create a drawing of the Alamo chapel for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. (former Buffalo and Company). Well, my ignorance here is natural and can be excused as I am not an American so I decided to look up in the Internet to learn the history behind this Alamo fortress. So I have filled this knowledge gap and now I know that for Americans and in particular for those of Texas origin the Alamo is a symbol of freedom, patriotic sacrifice, bravery and loyalty. If want to learn more about this story, you can read the Wikipedia article on the Battle of the Alamo or simply watch my work in progress video below which is set to the Ballad of the Alamo which pretty much tells sings the story.

drawing of the Alamo
Drawing of the Alamo fortress

Alamo t-shirt
This is how the Alamo t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. looks like

Pheasant Drawing

Friday, March 23, 2012

The whirring Pheasant springs,
And mounts, exulting on triumphant wings:
Ah! What avails his glossy, varying dyes,
His purple crest, and scarlet-circled eyes,
The vivid green his shining plumes unfold,
His painted wings, and breast that flames with gold.

Alexander Pope – Windsor Forest, 1713.

The extract of the above Pope’s poem describes the pheasant as an extremely beautiful bird. And it’s true. Unfortunately, I cannot see a lot of pheasants in my country but when I see a picture of a pheasant I imagine the royal hunting and all those noblemen riding horses in the pursue of this marvelous game bird. Pheasant hunting is one of the British Royal Family’s traditions. However pheasants are so beautiful that some members of the Royal Family want to forgo this custom although the birds are specially bred for this hunting event.

pheasant drawing
Drawing of a pheasant for the Exmoor White Horse Inn

Anyway, a pheasant has always being a symbol of nobility and royalty. For the apparent reason I associate royalty with the United Kingdom. That is why Avid Design made a right choice by including a drawing of a pheasant into the series of animal drawings they commissioned me for the Exmoor White Horse Inn. As you remember the series includes five pencil drawings of a trout, a wild goose, a pheasant, a deer and a horse. The pheasant drawing is probably the best one for a hotel in Great Britain to reflect the famous aristocratic spirit of the United Kingdom.

Related posts:
Drawing of pheasants (American Wildlife T-Shirts Series)
Hunting drawings

Wild Goose Drawing

Sunday, March 11, 2012

This is the second post dedicated to the wildlife project commissioned by Avid Design for Exmoor White Horse Inn. This time I would like to show you the drawing of a wild goose.

wild goose drawing
Wild goose drawing for Exmoor White Horse Inn

Avid Design specializes in interior design and it’s no wonder that the guys from Avid Design asked me to create pencil drawings of five animals to be printed on window panes at Exmoor White Horse Inn. The hotel is situated in the area which boasts wonderful nature and wildlife attractions. I believe that my drawings featuring a trout, a wild goose, a pheasant, a deer and a horse will be nice decoration elements for the inn. The wild goose is truly a great representative of fauna. This beautiful bird makes every hunter’s heart palpitate with anxiety and fills the soul of every nature admirer with admiration of God’s creation of the wonders of nature. I hope my drawings will create the atmosphere which will be appealing for both people passionate with hunting and those who love peacefully contemplating the beauty of nature.

Related posts:
Fishing and hunting drawings

Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Graphic facilitation (aka visual recording) comprehends creating images by meanse of freehand drawing in real-time to visually convey ideas during meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. Interest in graphic facilitation has surged in the age of Youtube as businesses and individuals noticed that visual facilitation, particularly if carried out by a professional artist, could be a great way to introduce various ideas, promote brands and even display products to the enormous Youtube audience in a fun way.

graphic facilitation, visual recording
Graphic facilitation is a popular way to promote ideas, brands and products on Youtube

Graphic facilitator can create dynamic, out-of-the-box visual presentations of almost anything unlike videos, which are more complicated in production, or slide-shows, which are less dynamic and hence boring. I could even compare graphic facilitation with advertising because today’s graphic facilitators try to bring as much fun and creativity to their visual recoding performance as advertising agencies do with more conventional ads. Visual recording is fun to watch and we all know that people memorize anything funny, interesting or emotional much better, faster and for a very long time.

Some businesses have already discovered the power of graphic facilitation in conveying ideas and awareness about products and brands. Thus you can observe the growing number of videos featuring graphic facilitators creating some cool drawings on whiteboards in Youtube. A number of professional teams emerged to create end-to-end visual graphic facilitation videos ready for Youtube. Those teams ask a high price for their visual facilitation services, however they can boast of high quality production, creativity, experience and outstanding drawing talent.

I had noticed graphic facilitation videos on Youtube long before I was hired as a visual facilitator for the first time. I regarded these videos as a rather curious marketing idea, so I began to think it would be interesting to get involved in a visual recording project. Although I was not much prepared, three weeks ago I was commissioned to create a set of time-lapse videos to be used for graphic facilitation purposes by John M. Tate, an Executive Vice President for Systematic Development Group LLC, who was to present the LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive at the 2012 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS 2012) Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas. Mr. Tate had been kind enough to provide me with the recording of his presentation which fragments I used as voice over for the graphic facilitation video you can watch below.

Related posts:
Visual scribing for an IT security company

Trout Drawing for a Hotel in England

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have recently been commissioned by an interior design consultancy from Great Britain (Avid Design) to make a series of wildlife drawings. I was to create five pencil drawings featuring a trout, a stag, a horse, a wild goose and a pheasant. Avid Design needed high resolution images of the animals to reproduce them on a glass film for a window at Exmoor White Horse Inn – a hotel situated in a picturesque area of South West England offering some wildlife-related activities such as safari, horse riding and the deer rutting season.

I will dedicate a blog post to each particular drawing created within this Avid Design project. This post features a trout which is a fish taking a special place in every fisherman's heart.

trout drawing, jumping fish
Trout drawing for Exmoor White Horse Inn

Related posts:
Hunting and fishing illustrations
Reviving a trout sketch with Photoshop coloring

Bison Drawing for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I’ve been a proud artist for Buffalo and Company for more than a year. Now when Buffalo and Co. is about to be re-branded into Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. the management of this classic men’s fashion company is ready for new artworks to be introduced to the overall look of their branding elements as well as to their collection of awesome t-shirts and other apparel and accessories reflecting their philosophy of rugged, classic masculinity. One of the main components of the company’s brand to be refreshed is the logo featuring an American buffalo (aka bison).

You can visit my previous posts featuring American wildlife drawings which I created for Buffalo and Company to see the style of my artworks the guys from Buffalo and Company were happy to adopt for their t-shirt collection. However they needed a new drawing of a bison to become a part of their brand and, in particular, the logo. Two versions of the bison image is to be created – a detailed bison drawing and the one adapted for embroidery on clothes and other needs requiring less detailed graphics. Below you can see the detailed drawing of a bison which is to become the mascot for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co. featured in the company’s logo.

bison drawing, American buffalo image
Bison Drawing for Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

bison t-shirt
My bison drawing on a t-shirt from Buffalo Jackson Trading Co.

Related posts:
Bison drawing
American wildlife art
Hunting and fishing drawings

Technical Illustrations for IP Video Systems Business

Friday, February 10, 2012

The majority of online shops selling almost any kind of equipment use photographs to showcase their products. Nobody can do without photos when selling sophisticated devices. However there are businesses wishing to display their products in an out-of-the-box way. Therefore I was asked to create a number of technical illustrations for Radius Security Solutions – a company designing, manufacturing and integrating high performance industrial grade IP video and audio surveillance systems (the company is about to be re-branded into Radius Vision). Being an engineer by profession, creating technical illustrations and drawings is something I really enjoy. I especially enjoyed this assignment because I was asked not to simply create some simple looking drawings but use my signature cross-hatching drawing technique to create more or less cool-looking illustrations of security cameras, antennas and assembled video surveillance systems.

I believe that the reason for commissioning me to create technical illustrations of all those cameras and antennas stuff was not only company's willingness to represent the products using an offbeat approach but also their need to demonstrate how completely assembled surveillance systems would look like. Creating professional photos for fully assembled security systems would be quite a difficult task to do since such systems comprehend 5-6 units mounted on a pole. So if you photograph a fully mounted surveillance system on a single picture some components will likely look pretty small and indistinct. Drawings, however, allow a better flexibility in representing sophisticated equipment and give a possibility to “play” with proportions, light and shadow in such a way that they let viewers see more clearly all the important details and structures.

Security Cameras (Client Supplied Photos Plus My Drawings)

Mobotix M12 camera
Mobotix M12 camera

AXIS P1343-E IP camera
AXIS P1343-E IP camera

AXIS P5512-E Dome Network Camera
AXIS P5512-E Dome Network Camera

Portrait of Michael Connelly

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I noticed that I often get inspired by a piece of music, a book or a movie so much that I feel the urge to draw a portrait of the author whose wonderful work made my heart beat faster with admiration of his/her talent. I’ve been thinking about creating a series of portraits of people who inspire me with their creative work. I believe this portrait series could be quite interesting as it would certainly include some faces you never expected to see in this blog. Faces like this of Michael Connelly.

Michael Connelly impressed me with his books and particularly with the series of novels featuring Mickey Haller – a defense attorney whose flexible mind and interesting personality made me want to know more about what it is to be a lawyer in the USA. Before I tried to read Connelly’s first legal novel featuring Mickey Haller (“The Lincoln Lawyer”), I thought lawyer’s life was too boring. However the author managed to create a fascinating story with mind battles in courts which proved to be rather interesting even for a person having nothing to do with all that legal stuff. By the way, “The Lincoln Lawyer” was adapted for film in 2011. I have not watched the movie yet but my personal belief that any film is unlikely to be better than the book it is based on.

So being inspired by Michael Connelly and his defense attorney character Mickey Haller, I created this author’s portrait.

Michael Connelly, author of The Lincoln Lawyer
Michael Connelly

Drawing of a Lion

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I have recently made a drawing of a lion which, I hope, would be the first drawing of my future wildlife series. I also created a video to show how I was drawing this beautiful big feline. The lion was drawn with a Pentel Tradio Stylo Fountain Pen

lion drawing, royalty free image
Drawing of a lion I created for my future wildlife series

Buy this royalty free image in high resolution from 2CO Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Igor Lukyanov.

Related posts:
Drawing of an elephant

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